I saw one of the cutest things the other day.
After I finished some work on Capitol Hill, I stopped by the Union Station Au Bon Pain to get something to eat. While munching on a little snack, I was able to look out on a pretty busy passageway of people walking between the Amtrak part of the station and the Metro.
As I looked out into the general bustle, I saw a new mother walking by with a little baby girl, about 5 months old, in a pink snuggly that was strapped to the mother's chest. Every time the mother took a step, the baby's arms and legs (which were sticking out of the snuggly) bounced around, much to her delight.
That pair happened to pass a family walking the other way-- a mother and father pushing an older child in a stroller. Probably about 10 months old.
The parents, each focused on wherever they were going, didn't give each other a second glance but stroller baby saw snuggly baby's arms bouncing around, gave a big smile and waved back.
Everybody saw this and there was about 15 seconds of baby waving to baby--snuggly baby was still a bit young to have the whole coordination thing down, so for her, it was more good-natured flailing--until everybody walked off on their separate ways with a smile on their faces.
Including myself.....