Thursday, April 03, 2003

Apparently a UH-60 was shot down over Iraq and has just been announced by the military. Taking bets on how many daily newspapers use "Blackhawk Down" as their frontpage headline. Perhaps the movie studios would influence that, though.

Even though I had two alarms set, I managed to sleep through until about 3pm this afternoon. Understandable given my working for 36+ hours beforehand and time zone switch. Fortunately, my boss is gone for the week and the office manager (the only other one in the office today) is really cool.

On my connecting flight to BWI from Cleveland, I sat next to a couple and their two children. The couple are musicians and will be performing at the Library of Congress tomorrow (thurs) evening. They described their music as "medieval woodwind"-- should be very interesting and I thought I should give them an admittedly small bit of advertisement. Their info is up on the performance part of the LOC website. Anyone else interested in giving this a whirl? Their two children (3 and 6mo) are very cute and well behaved (though the 3 yr old occasionally acted as 3 yr olds will).

Well, time to hit the sack--

Parting question inspired by supermarket aisle markers out here in the East-- adult entertainment:porn :: adult cereal: ??

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