Wednesday, April 02, 2003


Finally made it back into DC yesterday, trying to deal with the jet lag and the fact that I've been working for about 36 hours straight. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the stuff I have to catch up both here (the world hasn't changed from its usual insanity), at work and otherwise. After not having internet access for a while (how does Verizon keep in business without really providing any service?), I've got a bunch of stuff scribbled on the back of pieces of scratch paper, like usual, just waiting to be organized into a cohesive thought or two.

But of immediate importance is a computer emergency: I've started getting a blue error screen saying "kernel_stack_inpage_error" and it prompts a "physical dump of memory." Sometimes when I reboot, I get the message "no bootable devices found" but it will work fine if rebooted again. I know this is pretty bad, but the problem is just above my experience and I need more than anything to know what to do about it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, gotta go--

Will write (a lot) more soon.

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